I'm Tired of Being Tired!

One of the worse feelings in the world is constantly feeling tired and worn out. How many times have you rolled over in the morning and hit snooze or simply slept through an alarm? Unfortunately this is becoming more common as we try to force more activities into our day and then discover we can't fall asleep. Not only does this affect our performance during the day it could also be damaging your health.
How Many Hours of Sleep are You Getting?
Mayo Clinic recommends adults should get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. While this may vary from one person to the next, it is a good standard. Not getting enough sleep may lead to some serious health conditions including; obesity, heart disease, diabetes, headaches and more. In addition, lack of sleep impairs cognitive reasoning, immune system suppression and may cause depression or worsen its effects.
Exercise Helps You Sleep
Numerous studies have shown that regular exercise will not only improve your health but will help you to sleep more restfully and help you fall asleep quicker. In fact, regular aerobic exercise has been shown to be more effective than most sleeping pills. Keeping your body in top shape not only lessens depression but helps it to relax at bedtime. After working-out
get a massage and go home feeling great.
If you are having troubles falling asleep
try some of these tips;
Wind down before bed and keep a regular schedule
- While exercise is great, doing an intense 30 minute workout before bed is not going to help you fall asleep. If you have issues falling asleep workout in the morning or after work and allow yourself some time to wind down before trying to go to bed. In addition, going to bed at the same time every night will train your body for bed time.
Turn Off the Screen
- Turning off your smart phone, computer and TV will help you relax and get ready for bed. Instead of staring at a screen, checking email or amusing yourself on Facebook, read a book or listen to music.
Take a Warm Bath
- Taking a nice warm bath or putting on warm, comfortable cloths raises our body temperature and releases serotonin providing a peaceful feeling that will help you fall asleep quicker. Light non-intense stretching will help as well.
Get Your Worrying Done Earlier
- Many times as we lie down we start to think of all the undone tasks, problems of the day and what has to be done tomorrow. Take some time earlier in the evening and write these down. Assign priorities to them and make a list for the next day. Often, just the act of putting it on paper will relieve the stress and worry.
Join Us at Jean-Robert's Gym
Our personal trainers are here to help you live a better life. We want you to more healthier, happier and whole in everything you do. If you need help developing goals, making a plan or just plain motivation, we are here for you. Stop by
Jean-Robert's Gym or give us a call at
970-920-9595. We'll make sure you get the best from your waking and sleeping hours.
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